Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Daniel Snack

Today I was downstairs transferring laundry from the washer to the dryer for a few minutes. When I came back upstairs it was quiet. Uh-oh. I called for Daniel and asked where he was. He replied he was in the living room. I came around the corner and found this.

He told me he was having a snack. Oh my. I asked him to walk to the bathroom with his hands up in the air and not touch anything. After cleaning him off with dish soap to cut the greasiness, I explained that eating peanut butter for a snack was okay, as long as he used a spoon. Of course, it would be best if I helped and he sat at the kitchen table too.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Leisure Reading

Daniel ran to the bookshelf the other night and grabbed a book. He took it to the chair and delved into it.

Too funny!

Baby Girl

Here's our little baby girl's 20 week ultrasound pictures.

Her arm up by her chin while laying on her back.

You can see her thumb and wrist bones very well here.

Another arm picture.

Big Boy Bed

Daniel had to give up his binky last week, but because he can sleep without them now....He got his big boy bed! He has been sleeping in a twin mattress on the floor since last April. We finally got around to finishing the wood bed frame. This is the one that Aaron used as a child and can be bunk beds too.

Yogurt Painting

We had some fun last week doing Groundhog Day activities as well as yogurt painting. You mix plain yogurt with some food coloring to make paint. It's edible too!

Daniel had fun because we have never painted at home. I didn't worry when he tasted his materials. He kept telling me, "This is cool Mommy."